Thursday 3 July 2008

Star Wars: The Toy Battle

In what is regarded as an unparalleled promotion involving the toy chain Toys 'R' Us and a production company, the theatrical release of Star Wars: The Clone Wars will be accompanied by a July 26 midnight opening of Star Wars "boutiques" at more than 225 of the toy retailer's outlets. Noting that Star Wars toys have been a hit at Toys 'R' Us stores since 1977, the company said that it also plans to promote the August 15 release of the film with a countdown clock in every store, "so fans can count the minutes to each of this year's continuing galactic milestones, including the theatrical release of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, the premiere of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series on Cartoon Network and the release of Star Wars: The Clone Wars on DVD." The company also indicated that some products timed for the movie's release will be available exclusively at Toys 'R' Us and at a website the company plans to launch on July 26 to promote the toys, They include two LEGO starships and several space and land vehicles that appear in the movie, created by Hasbro.

See Also