Friday 22 August 2008

30 Hospitals Across The Hudson Valley Region Of New York State Form Alliance To Ensure Patient Safety

�On Thursday, August 7, the Northern Metropolitan Hospital Association (NorMet) filed with the
United States Department of Health & Human Services, Agency for Healthcare Research &
Quality, to become a Patient Safety Organization. A new initiative offered thru the Federal
Government, this makes NorMet unitary of the first in the state and the nation to file, giving the 30
hospitals participating in the PSO unprecedented federal protections to bring forward critically
significant work to prevent patient safety errors and save lives.

Hospitals partnering with the NorMet PSO testament share information about quality of upkeep, identify
threats to patient safety, and then train and implement best practices. The finish is to become
among the safest hospitals in the nation, and in doing so, patient lives will be saved and
improved, and health tutelage costs rock-bottom.

"By endorsing NorMet filing as a Patient Safety Organization (PSO), the CEOs who draw these
hospitals have again demonstrated their commitment to delivering the safest, highest quality of
care," aforementioned Neil Abitabilo, President of NorMet. "Their commitment to delivering fantabulous care
with compassion to the people of the region is reiterated with their illusionist support of this new

The NorMet PSO will be a nonprofit 501(c)3 establishment. Its mission will be to ameliorate the
safety and lineament of infirmary care for patients in the 30 hospitals throughout a septet county neighborhood
north of New York City. These hospitals own over 7200 acute-care beds, serving some 2.5
million people, and as of 2006, are providing annual services of approximately:

-- 260,464 inmate discharges;

-- 719,927 emergency room visits; and

-- 3,873,291 outpatient visits.

clearing theater, advocates with elected officials on behalf the 30 hospitals in the sevener county
region, and serves as involvement with numerous regulatory and health related agencies, all to support
the hospitals' ability to provide first-class clinical care with pity.

The NorMet Health Care Foundation [a 501(c)3] and Association [a 501(c)6] besides provide and/or
facilitates many educational services for members in the topics of quality improvement, disaster
preparation, workforce preparation, and wellness information engineering. Within the past quintuplet years,
NorMet has proudly served as one of the original 42 grantees for the US Department of Health &
Human Services, Office of the Surgeon General, on a national Medical Reserve Corps
demonstration project in disaster preparation. NorMet too partnered with area colleges as a
grantee of the US Department of Labor, in nurse education.

"The PSO is one more model of how our hospitals are consecrated to providing the highest quality
of care in the most efficient and safe ways possible. Not only do they realize that healthcare is
local, and a very human business, but they also understand the business and economic shock of
quality care, and are dedicated to delivering it!" terminated Abitabilo.

Northern Metropolitan Hospital Association


Peggy Binzer
McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP

More info